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Sony TV Alexa skill no longer discovers and controls my Sony Bravia XH9296 Android TV

Just a disclaimer that this has happened before and I did manage to fix the issue using the same method. Also my TV is on the latest F/W and fully up to date. I realised the issue had returned because the TV didn't switch off with my goodnight routine at the end of the day. Problem is that the first time I reset everything returned to normal, this time it doesn't work and Alexa can not discover my TV.


What I have done...

On the TV...Cleared the data in app info for the 'TV Control For Smart Speakers' app and restarted the TV.

In Alexa account...Deleted the skill from my account which consequently unlinks the attached Sony account also.

Re-setup the TV with the Sony account and Alexa account by linking the account and re-adding the 'Sony TV' skill. At this point Alexa still can't see my TV.

I understand there was an Amazon Alexa outage recently also.


So I guess the question is...Is anyone else having these issues at this time to rule out whether it could be an Amazon issue or a Sony issue? Or is it just me?

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