Not applicable

Problem Appears to be Resolved !


Hi all


Just in the way of an update - The issues that have occured this weekend (30/31 May) seems to have been resolved from the general consensus of the forums members.


If you are still having problems, try the following:

  • Disconnect the RDR Recorder from the main power supply and reconnect it after 30 seconds.
  • Perform a full retune of the RDR Recoder
  • Ensure that your EPG is set to "Digital EPG" and not "Guide +"

More details on further steps : HERE courtsey of @Habboi 


A specual Thank You to all forum members for your continued patience (and not shooting the messenger !)







Hi guys


Before this issue (and forums) gets out of hand, Can I please designate this as the master thread for May 2014 - separating the previous threads and issue.


To register that you also have an issue, simply click the "Me Too" button on the first post.



A couple of TEMPORARY work-arounds that may assist.


Issue 1 - Stuck Update
Press and hold the On/Off button until the RDR recorder turns off, then quickly press the button again briefly, before the unit tries to go back into update mode.

Issue 2 - No Freeview Channels (ie Blank)
Go into the Tuner Setup and Replace Channels.  When asked about which Country, select "France" and continue on with the re-tune.




Any updates received, Ill post back




EDIT1 - Thread has been reported to Sony.

EDIT2 - Sony is directly aware of this issue and are investingating with urgency.

EDIT3 - No official confirmation yet, but issue appears to have been resolved (from what you guys are reporting)

EDIT4 - Received confirmation that the issue should now be solved.

EDIT5 - 30/05/14 @ 19:30 - Issue has been reported with RDRs again, seems to be isolated to Crystal Palace transmitter, Sony is aware and is investigating.

EDIT6 - 30/05/14 @ 20:35 - Received information that the current issue has been resolved. 

EDIT7 - 30/05/14 @ 22:45 - Problem seems to still exist and issue is not fixed, according to feedback from forum members.  Information passed back to Sony.

EDIT8 - 31/05/14 @ 18:35 - Problems appear to have been resolved (from what forum members are reporting)

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