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WH-1000XM4 Static / White noise

WH-1000XM4 Static / White noise

Hi All,


I've had the Sony WH-1000XM4s for about 3 weeks and have already noticed a static / white noise in the left ear cup. The noise is during audio playback but also when there's no playback - just ANC turned on. Needless to say it's pretty annoying given how new they are and that it can often be heard above playback. It happens sporadically pretty much every day and even after I've been using them for a short period of time. Has anyone else experienced this or found a fix. Thank you 


Same issue here. I spoke to sony and told me to send it to a official repair shop, which I did yesterday.  If Sony wants to get those headphones and they give me a new pair I will let you know. 

it probably due to the plastic creaking from the u bracket or hinge with jaw movement. Use the diy you cna find online on the wh-1000xm3 on the xm4

No thats not the case. It is an issue with some of these headphones. The sound issue in one ear cup is constant and not due to creaking head band. I sent my 2nd pair back and got full refund. I then bought a 3rd pair from a different shop. This made sure the batch number was different to my previous 2 pairs. I have had this 3rd pair for over months now with no problem! 

My recommendation if you have this problem is to send the headphones back and get a brand new pair that has a totally different batch number. You may get the same problem again, or get lucky and get a pair without this problem.

I’ve had the same problem but with a little internet research found out is because of moisture build up in the left earcup. To remedy the problem I wiped the inside of the earcup with absorbent tissue and the problem totally disappeared. I now clean both earcups before and after use. I have also tucked a 1g silica gel bag in the left earcup to prevent future moisture build up. Simples


I've mentioned it in another post here and in the Sony Headphones Reddit but I've had this issue where there's like a "Listening to the ocean in a shell" type noise in one ear cup and I solved it by just putting some Silica Gel packets in the earcups when putting them away in my case.


This wicks away any moisture from the air or your ears/head sweating during use. They seem to be really sensitive to moisture inside but I haven't had the issue since I started doing this everyday (and it's not that awkward as I'm putting them away anyway) 


The packets aren't that expensive on amazon etc so worth a try.


Hope it helps.