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WH-1000-XM4 swivel hanger broken

WH-1000-XM4 swivel hanger broken

Hello everyone,

You might already gessed why I posted as it's written on the topic, but I don't know where I could buy a new swivel Hanger for my Headphone, There is no more Warranty, and the only Swivels hangers left for buying(on ebay and other) are the ones for the WH-1000-XM3.

Can someone tells me if they are compatible or not?

and if not where could I buy a new one? As I can't even find the spare part on the official site of Sony nor on their provider's


Thanks for the help

Community Team


Did you manage to resolve this issue? I have exactly the same problem. Mine are still under warranty, but all the other posts I've found about broken swivel hangers say that Sony refuse to cover this problem under the warranty, even if it broke under normal use, as mine did.

Hi, No Sony couldn't be of any help, this is a common problem, I read somewhere that it was because you may have worn it the wrong way too much
For the issue, I will just repair it myself, in fact, Sony ask for nothing less than 100€ to repair this little piece, and this is without the delivery cost if the repair center is too far away.

The official supplier doesn't sell this part for the XM4.

You can find replacement part on the internet, but sadly most of them are in Canada so you will pay like 75€ (30€ for the spare part and the rest for custom fees and delivery).

For now I am just waiting to find a part not too far but it will always be cheaper than a repair center since I work in electronics so I have the equipment to repair it myself
Community Team

Hey guys, that's physical damage, it's not covered by any warranty I'm afraid, unless you have insurance.