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1000XM4 Battery Low Warning

1000XM4 Battery Low Warning

Am I missing a trick to get a reasonable notification of when battery life is running low? Twice recently I've turned the phones on just as I'm starting my communte only to get the dreaded battery low please recharge now warning and then they shut off within 5 minutes. 

Is there a way to get a warning at 20%/10%/5% or similar to alert me to recharge them?


Hello @mth211,


as you didn't specify whether you have the WH-1000Xm4 or the WF-1000Xm4, I assume you have the WH-1000Xm4, as the WF-1000Xm4 would always be charged when taking them out of the case.


For the WH-1000Xm4 - no, you can't create custom battery alerts. What you though always can do is to short press the power button to get a reading on the battery level (same should always show in the Headphones Connect app).

As they offer speed-charging, I wouldn't worry too much about the battery levels though, as with the right charger you can get an hour of playtime in a few minutes.


- Nic

Thanks @IamNic , you're right I have the WH version. No issue with the charging speed, just a slight frustration that I don't get a warning until I only have minutes left so I just need to get in the habit of checking every now and again. Thanks