[Master Thread] YouTube discontinued on some devices (2012 and older)

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[Master Thread] YouTube discontinued on some devices (2012 and older)

Hello All

As you have already seen in the subject above, it is sadly unfortunate that Google will no longer support the YouTube application on 2012 and older Sony televisions, video and audio products from 20 April 2015.  Many 2012 devices may have 2 YouTube icons.  If you have the white square YouTube icon, this will still be supported.

This is a decision that is well outside of Sony's control. Many other manufactuerers/brands will also be affect by this.

Please see Sony's FAQ for more information as well as the full list of devices affected:


Please also see YouTube's announcement:


I understand that may of you will be upset by this (including myself!), To voice your displeasure and a show of solidarity, please click the "Me Too" button on this first post.

If you feel that you wish to comment, please do so in this thread only.  However can you please keep it within forum rules.  

Thank you all


Before everyone starts filling this thread up with the usual I am going to contact Sony claiming it's there product & I want an exchange, etc. I thought I might add that I am not the least bit surprised in Googles announcement to be honest because ever since Google Chromecast was announced I have been suspecting something like this would happen.

I'm disappointed to read that the Youtube app won't work on my TV after April 15th.

It seems I made a mistake in buying Sony, worse still  a KDL32, and a 42, and look back and wish I just bought  cheap tv's accepting they have a life span of 3 years before things stop working.

It is only recently I have had to do a software update to get BBC iplayer to work, and it was touch and go whether the tv's would accept the update.

It seems this problem is unique to some Sony and Panansonic TV's


I won't be buying Sony again. It's like being robbed

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Hi there crag47


Ive moved your post to the main thread - no need to create another thread.


Im also disappointed - as now I have to purchase a smart bluray player for my mum - whom is a YouTube addict on her TV!  However it has been 10 years and a few days since the 'birth' of YouTube.  Look how far things have come.  If Google doesnt keep developing YouTube, the site would stagnate and something else would take over eventually.  Unfortunately its a fact of life that sites require constant development, and in this case incompatibility between older devices.





Once again Sony are letting me down by having the Youtube app being withdrawn for this bluray player. It was bad enough with the BBC iPlayer app being withdrawn. Are we, consumers, expected to keep buying equipment even though where is nothing wrong with it?!


This is, again, very disappointing. I am not buying any more 'stuff' from anyone again, until it goes down in (I hope) some 20 odd years time. My old telly was 30 years old when I was forced into changing it 'cos we went down the digital route - it still worked.

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Hi @Bernie-the-Bolt 


Ive moved your post to the main thread - hope you dont mind. 


I know many of you guys/gals were hammered with the closure of the BBC iPlayer services on your devices, and hearing YouTube as well, is like a kick in the teeth. 


For people who have a Tablet or Smart phone, you can use Chromecast to access YouTube on your TVs (or mirroring functions).  For others (like my mum), the next cheapest option is a smart bluray player. In your case, another one?


I feel this type of thing is going to become a common occurance over the next few years - Until the industry is forced to consider devices more than 2 or 3 years young.


TV's and consumer devices no longer last 30-50 years etc.  When I was young, a Fridge would be a once in a generation purchase.  Now its not. 30 years or so ago when you purchased your TV, what was the cost in association with average wages/salaries/pay?  Now compare that cost to a modern TV to the average wage etc.  You will find that TVs have become cheaper.  With that, comes a cost.


Getting off track here now. 



Hi Quinnicus


Thanks for the response, and putting this is the 'right' place (and on a Sunday, too!) You don't convince, although, sadly, I believe that you are right, I've bought a Now TV box to overcome the BBC 'issue' and it has Youtube, too, but not as 'nice' a display. It's only a matter of time then before that becomes 'defunct' then. I am not prepared to keep 'wasting' money on keeping up with the technology. I'll go without. In this age of extreme debt it is all very irresponsible,


What I dont understand is how Sony can say its out of their control.

So the youtube api is updated from v2 to v3

Well all software gets updated from time to time and so why

cant the TV receive an update to fix this.

How SMART and evironmentally sane is this.

I talked to a chinese seller about updates for a phone that looked interesting

and he said that in china there typically are no firmware updates for devices

they just produce a new variant instead - and we are going in the same direction.

I am glad I have 5 years full warranty on my TV should Sony try to pull something

within this timeframe



I bought two kdl 46 inch screens back in 2012 and we've waited patiently for the itv player and 4OD to never arrive . We only use youtube and the bbc iplayer, and it surely won't be long before the latter will no longer be supported. Both are hung on otherwise bare walls so adding a device would just look daft.


This is such a huge disappointment; to think of the money I've wasted only 3 years thinking that a sony internet tv was the future. Real egg on my face to the people to the friends and family I sold the idea too. Sony can say it's out of their hands but there should've been some sort of warning to potential consumers these expensive internet tvs could become non-internet within a few years. I'm not going to buy a sony tv again, partly because I can't afford to at this present time, and baecause I certainly can't afford to do this every 3 years.


There has been a note at the bottom of the app screen saying it will no longer work on smart TV's before 2012. Going to really miss it.