RDR.. Issues (May 2014) - MASTER THREAD


RDR.. Issues (May 2014) - MASTER THREAD

Friday 23rd May approx 19:00 attempted to turn on DVD recorder RDR-HXD995. Seemed reluctant to power on from remote (and when pressing power on on unit itself) as in UPDATE mode. Finally after switching power off at the wall a few times, managed to get it to respond. However when a channel is selected, it displays for a short while and then the screen goes blank. Also, a programme which was set to record, has not recorded.

Is anyone else experiencing this problem - is this July all over again or is it just me?

Any help/advise would be appreciated.


181 REPLIES 181
Not applicable

Thanks all for the feedback.  Im not too sure on whats actually going on at the moment to be honest.  When I get any updates, ill let you all know. 



In the meantime......


Not applicable

@rick.my  I think notifications are kinda an all or nothing, but there are options to change it to a daily notification and various others.  Have a look at the settings under subscriptions and notifications.

I have found the following symptons and workaround while this problem exists.


After powering on the recorder, the channel does not go black after a few seconds until I select the EPG. I then bring up the EPG screen and it is on the correct "cool blue" colours. After several seconds the screen goes black and the recorder is now in the error state.


I have found that if I press the "Enter" button in the middle of the remote then a channel selection box appears briefly in the bottom left hand corner of the screen. If I then press it again the box will appear and remain on screen! I can then scroll through the channels using the left and right buttons beside the "Enter" button. When 1 select a channel, it does not go black after several seconds. I can then select the EPG and it is displayed in the incorrect horrible dayglo colours but with the program information. If I am fast enough I can scroll to the program I wish to record and press the "enter" button to select it, and the "cool blue" timer set screen appears with the program details filled in, and I can set the timer recording correctly.


In this way I have found if I select the channel I wish to record using the "Enter" button first, and then use the EPG quickly enough, I can set timer recordings, and can get rid of the screen going black problem.


My recorder is set to UK, and receiving from Crystal Palace.


Hope this helps.


PS Sony should still issue a firmware fix.




Just to add my voice to this discourse as a newcomer (31/5 15:50 BST) ... 


I'm having the same issues with my HXD870 as everyone else in terms of 'stuck on update', 'screen blanks after x seconds', etc.  In my case I can - briefly - get a guide to show, but unlike normal it shows in 4:3 aspect ratio.


I think Sony have a case to answer here in terms of the level of testing applied to new releases of the EPG software (I assume this is the cause of the issue?).  I know they have squillions of models in their back catalogue, but they do fall into major families, so the impact should surely be manageable?.  Testing the effects of a fundamental component of their software edifice surely is straight from Testing 101?  And particularly when the same issues cropped up last year, not to have regression tests covering such issues would to me be just unprofessional.


So come on Sony, please buck your ideas up - if you find an issue, surely you are a big enough outfit to put a restraining shot across the bows of whomever is promulgating the EPG update?  Or did you catch it and you don't have that clout, in which case, have you been pretending to us all along?


For the moment, this is working for me ... - thanks Quinnicus!


Thanks to all of you.  This has worked on the machine I have tried so far (one of my 890s).  What will happen when it turns off again if I set for a timer recording later?  Will it get stuck on "update"gain?  Is it worth ensuring that  machines don't turn off at all until the problem is fixed?

I have tried setting a timer recording using the EPG, and then letting the screen go black. I then set the recorder to standby. The recording did start and did record normally. However I then stopped the recording and somehow managed to lock the machine up completely! Not even hard reset (press and hold the stop button and then press the power button on the machine) worked. Only way was to switch off at the mains.


I have also found the following. Bring up the EPG screen and wait for it to go black, Press the "Guide" button once and nothing happens. Press it again and the EPG screen appears with no program data. Press it again before the screen can go black again, and the picture reappears and remains!


I think this is showing how incompetent Sony really are and is a disgraceful situation. Sony need 'shaming' in to resolving this - anybody on here got media connections, TV news or newspapers?

Sent from my iPad

Happy to report that my machine now appears to be working correctly:smileyhappy:. Until next week then!




I can confirm it is also fixed for me. I followed these steps:


1. Do a Hard Reset by Powering ON the machine and then hold STOP and press Power. This will reset the clock to -:- aka blank.


2. Then turn power off via plug and wait 30 seconds.


3. Power back on and the menu to retune will appear, follow it by pressing Ok and it'll tune the digital channels. Then it'll ask to do Analog, say Do Not Set and then click finalise and presto, all done.


Should work for people now. Hope that helps.