My old giga juke NAS-S55HDE


My old giga juke NAS-S55HDE


   Well the story goes it worked quite well as a juke box for a few years and then one day would not turn on, it had the red flashing light. Nothing would fix it, the only thing I could try was the press the on off and the stop button fix.  In the end I gave up and put it in the loft thinking I would have to take it apart to sort.

  I decided it was time to clear the loft and found the old girl in a corner and  plugged her in with the speakers, bugger me it started working again. Great back in business the only thing was I plugged  the old girl back on the internet via cat5 cable.

    The bad move was when I navigated to network turned straight off again back to the red flashing light.

  My question is how many year should  I wait to try her again or is it time for quick trip to the tip.




Not applicable

Hi there


According to the manual:




Now, you mentioned the ethernet cable and the issue occured after you plugged it in, I am more thinking that maybe this is a factor - Try powering off the Gigajuke, then disconnect the ethernet cable - leave off for 5 minutes and then try again.  If it turns on without the network cable, then thats the issue. 


If it still doesnt work.. well....  You could try and get it repaired.  For a list of authorised Sony repair centers, see:


But it might be un-economical to repair.

