Sony A90J Google not turning tv on/off

Sony A90J Google not turning tv on/off



I wonder if anybody has come across this?

My TV worked fine until one day Netflix crashed. Since then I have had issues with Google Assistance Voice (on the TV)

Basically if I ask Google on the TV or remote control to either turn on or turn off the TV, she states she is doing it, but then nothing happens.


if I use the Google App on my phone and ask her to start/stop the TV, it does so instantly. Just like it used to via the TV.


I have tried many things, including complete reinstall of TV, restarted network, changed networks hub connection, Ethernet connection (which worked once, then stopped I think)


Most other things with the Google Assistance work. I can ask her to turn on Kids YouTube etc. from a cold start, and she turns the TV on and starts the App. Asking her to turn the TV on from a cold start (which would be to the Google Home Screen) or turn off does not work anymore since the Netflix crash. She replies she is doing it, thinks about it, then closes Google Assistance.

There are some oddities in my network which almost makes me think it could be something BT have changed. As my Hive heating doesn’t show on my phone App when the boiler is on. So could be something there? Who knows, it has stumped me.

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Community Team

Hey GalliumUK, what's the full model number of your TV? Also, have you tried connecting your TV to a different netowrk? Like a hotspot?

Community Team

Hey @GalliumUK, it actually seems to be a Google issue, update the Google app to version  6.11.20220927.2 and test again, hope that works.