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I bought this Xperia (C4, or at the store E3) because it has 16 GB internal storage. But I send to you my screen shots of my phone' s settings.....
Check page 3 and 5
OK. Now I understand. Thank you! I have one more question about that. I send you a screen shot. Why does my phone has a problem? 3GB is not enough free space. (other phones has 500 MB and works well)
I forgot....
What do you want to translate to you? Sorry, but the problem, I think, is obvious, is the red line in the internal storage at the 8GB, and the full is 11GB. And my question is: Why the 3 GB is not enough to my phone to save my contacts or my appointments in the memory? (that problems are happened (in my phone), they are not fantastic/ypothetical) Other phones work properly at 500MB free space.......
I don't know which apps you are referring to or which message, if you get a message take a screenshot and post it here, also go to
Settings > storage > take a screenshot > internal storage > take another screenshot
Thank you very much for your help! So, I send you a picture of my internal storage ( is in the red circle ⭕). When it red like this and with a '!', my Xperia contacts don't save my new contacts, and my Xperia diary don't save my new appointments. I send you a picture with that applications in red circle
So, as you see I found alone the solution to apply Google contacts, and Google diary, because this ones work properly. But now I found out that my Xperia keyboard don't work properly. The keyboard don't save my new words.
Aaaa.... And the numbers of the internal storage is from this application in the red circle
In English I don't know how to spell it.... 'diagnostic control' make any sense? Do you want another picture from the inside of this application? (the first one when it's open)
Do you want a picture of my settings and storage? I didn't give these ones before. All pictures are from the application 'diagnostic control'