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Remote control unresponsive
Hi guys,
Started having an issue this week, when using tv guide or trying to scroll up or down or across on the home screen or guide, the remote will not work I.e.it will not tab across or up or down.. I need to reboot the tv then it works ok. After a you put the tv on standby, you then need to do a reboot again as it reverts back to not working. Anyone else had / have this issue.

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Hi there
I would recommend you do a factory reset of the TV - as it can clear any 'gremlins'. See instructions HERE.
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tried re-booting (seems to be a regular thing to have to do) but the TV seems to take an age to react to any remote control command. It can sometimes take a couple of minutes to wake up from standby and when it does finally stir it can take 30 seconds or so to react to any further remote command.
Even a simple Vol+ or CHAN+ seems to take forever!
I have the latest update (November 2016) but this sluggishness just seems to be a cross that we have to bare as dedicated Sony owners.
Picture is fine, sound is fine once it gets up and running but the reaction time to remote control commands is an absolute disgrace when you consider the price premium charges for the "Sony" badge.
And don't get me started on the Bravia Sync fiascos!!!

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Hi there
Sony is aware of a general issue with the resposiveness of the TV from standby and the remote control. When the TV does become sluggish - a reboot is required.
However since the November FW update, I have noticed an improvement of the responsiveness of the TV - if you havent done so, I would recommend a factory reset - it can help with.
Also, see the following two bugs/issue :
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hi Quinnicus,
interesting that Sony are aware!
Already downloaded the latest (Nov) update and have re-booted, all to no avail.
Changed the batteries in the remote and prayed to the Gods of electronics, just in case I have offended them in the past.
I have a Sony 4k "Smart" TV, a Sony BD Home theatre, and a small Sony digital camera. I have previously owned trinitron, rear projection and non smart LCD Sony TV's but this new TV sucks big time!
I do try to buy the same brand of electronics in the vain hope that they will all talk and understand each other and work "as one".
Here's one to consider.
Just renewed my subscription to Amazon Prime.
If I watch on the app directly on the TV (that is connected via a LAN cable directly to the router) the picture and sound stutter and jerk. It is unwatchable.
If I watch it through the BD 4k Home Theatre, connected to the router in the same way, using the amazon app then no problems at all.
Even worse, if I watch through an £80 Roku 3 then again, no problem.
Makes you wonder why a grands worth of Sony 4k TV can/is be such a chore!
Maybe brand loyalty no longer counts for anything.

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Hi there
It is certainly not normal that Amazon Prime should be stuttering on your TV though - assuming your internet connection is of adequate speed, which from what you wrote about other devices - it seems to be ok.
I know you have mentioned rebooting the TV - but have you done a factory reset, instructions HERE.
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tried re-set, re-boot and factory reset.
Tried them all.
Checked on line and tried to sort the limitations of the (android) software
via a multitude of sources.
I have accepted that the Sony smart TV is what it is , warts n all.
Nothing is perfect and the pros still outweigh the cons.
The remote is the RMT-TX100D by the way.
Last years BD Theatre remote is an RM-ADP120. At least that felt a touch
more robust.
Prior to that, the remote to the Freeview DVR made both of these feel
feeble and all of them pale in shadow of the RM-ED012 that has never ever
caused an issue in all of its time with me.
I have bought Sony over a number of years and have watched prices remain
the same or increase and build quality reduce!
Touch and feel are massively important and a pretty good guide to quality
and design.
I just think that it is sad that Sony seem to be "building down" now.
It is a short sighted outlook and once their enviable reputation for
quality engineering has gone if will be nigh on impossible for them ever to
get it back.
A shame, but that now seems to be the way of the World.
Sony used to be a world leading brand but can now be lumped alongside all
of the other average players.
Eventually the loyal followers will seek alternatives for future purchases
and Sony will be asking where it all went pear-shaped.
On the upside, they will always have Playstation. They seem to be able to
charge a substantial premium for a "chassis upgrade" with those!!
I see that a belt drive MDF straight arm turntable with a built in DAC
carries a RRP of £400!
I seem to remember something similar from a few years back albeit without
an on board DAC for less than £80.
How times change.
Apologies for going a bit off topic but sometimes I think that however
uncomfortable- the truth has to be out there, somewhere.