
KD-43X72K Problems

I’ve had this TV for just over a year now and the intermittent problems have been present from day one:

- Very slow to respond to remote inputs (not intermittent, always).

- No picture but sound is there.

- Volume really loud on start up and unable to turn it down.

- Unable to change inputs over (very common).

- No signal message when attempting to watch freeview TV channels, when the aerial signal is good.

- Blank screen and no volume on start-up.

- Randomly turns on, on its own.


All the above are temporarily fixed when turning off at the power source and turning back on, except for the slow response to channel changes, input changes, menu inputs, etc,, that is permanent.


Sony suggested a software update but that didn’t work (when there eventually was an update). This TV is driving me crazy, does anyone have any ideas/fixes or have I bought a dud?


If you have had this TV for just over a year ad had all these problems why haven't you contacted the place you bought this TV and asked for either a replacement or a repair (at least have someone come out to look at it).


Where did you buy this TV some resellers offer multi year warranties.

If you have had this TV for just over a year and had all these problems why haven't you contacted the place you bought this TV and asked for either a replacement or a repair (at least have someone come out to look at it).


Where did you buy this TV, some resellers offer multi year warranties.

I was told that it would improve when the software update was released. Also, taking back to the shop (PC World) meant that I would have been without a TV for a while.

Did PC World say when you were enquiring about this TV and before paying for it that it does not function properly and that only a future update would make it function as one would expect.

If they did why did you buy it.

No new TV should be sold knowingly not functioning correctly.

If you had complained to PC World and they refused to send someone out to assess your TV

and only said that a future update will fix it, that to me dreadful customer service.


If you are reluctant to take the TV back for repair because you would be without a TV for a little time

then you can hardly complain about it not functioning if you are not willing to have anything done about it.

Often TVs can be repaired at home on the same day, if the TV had to go away you could have negotiated with PC World to give you a loan television in the meantime.


Do you know if it is still under warranty?


Not applicable

Hey @Snip8r 


Can you make sure that your TV is updated to the latest software version here:

Also, try to remove any externals from the TV, and then unplug the TV from the mains and leave it for 1-2 minutes, then plug only the TV back and test again.

I'd also recommend trying the steps here for the no picture with sound issue:


Let us know if there is any difference after you test again

Tried all that, still having problems.


New problem appeared two days ago:



Turning it off and back on again fixed the screen issue. However, these are the problems that I am continuously getting.

As you are still having problems with this TV (which according to you has been defective since purchase)

you have no other option if it is still under warranty to contact PC World.

Arrange for them to send out a repairman to evaluate the situation.

They should be able to assess if it can be repaired at your home or needs to be taken away.

If it needs to be taken away then ask if they can give you a replacement unit whilst yours is away.


There is not a lot more people on forums can do rather than say update the software if an update is available,

perform a power cycle (switch off, unplug and start up again) or perform a factory reset.


From your earlier posts you have been putting up with this TVs problems since the day you bought it.

If the PC World sales person told you from the start that this TV does not work, then why did you buy it.

The problems with your TV point to a physical problem with one or more of the components in your TV

and not something that can be resolved via a firmware/ software update.


If it is still under warranty then get in touch with PC World immediately and arrange a repair.


If it is not under warranty then perhaps you should be looking at buying a new TV.





Not applicable

@Snip8r Did you try the factory reset ?