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42W705 web browser & on demand services


42W705 web browser & on demand services

Very close to buying a Sony 42W705 but ideally want acess to all the mainstream on demand services, which is pushing me towards Samsung.

As Sony have still not managed to bring ITV player or 4OD to the SEN, I wondered if it was possible to access these players via the web browser functionality?

Has anyone tried this approach with a 2014 Sony TV?
Not applicable

Hi there


Ive not tried it on a 2014 - but my best educated guess would be a NO.  Unfortunately ITV and 4OD just done want to play with Sony.  ITV is more affiliated with Sky these days, and Sky dictates many things.  Not really sure on 4OD. 


A it over a years ago, Samsung paid a shedload of money to have these on some of its TVs, under an exclusitiviy deal.....  I think that contract has finished, but nothing is on the horizons at the moment, as far as Im aware.


All I can advise, is do your research before making up your mind.  :slight_smile:

