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Can't find MP3 files on NWZ-A845 to delete them !

Can't find MP3 files on NWZ-A845 to delete them !

I have a Sony NWZ-A845, and have being trying to  add album art to the MP3 files, which eventually I have done.

The problem is that I seem to have copies of MP3 files that I am able to see AND play depite the Music folder being TOTALLY empty !

I have looked in every directory with Windows Explorer and also the Content Transfer program show NO files in the Music folder... but they are there and can be played !

I NEED to delete these files as there seem to be 3 copies of each song from one album...

The NWZ-A845 says there are 47 MP3 files... but where ????

I have done a reset but that makes no difference !

Help please !



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Just a note if you are struggling to get the right tracks and art onto the Walkman it works fine with Windows Media Player 12 (not tried it myself with 11).  If you create a music library on there then WMP will do the album art etc for you.  If you remove music from WMP then the next time you sync with the player it will remove the music from the player for you.  I've found this less error prone than doing manual updating.   The beauty of this is that if you are running W7 and use Windows Backup to an external hard disk you'll have all your music, album art saved.  If you go down this road you'll need to format the walkman disk (using an option on the walkman not pc) and sync out everything from WMP. Rgds.