Netflix Support Discussion Thread


Netflix Support Discussion Thread


Just thought I would offer a bit of clarity around the Netflix discussion threads that keep popping up.

  • Is Netflix coming to Sony devices?

Hopefully, no date confirmed as yet, but as you'd expect, we'd like to launch it on Sony Entertainment Network/BRAVIA Internet Video as soon as we can.

  • Which devices will it be compatible with and will it be backported?

Not clear yet. We look to backport all services to as many devices as possible, but its not always technical possible to do. Whilst it is available on US devices at present, its not yet clear if Netflix would want to re-use the old interface or launch with a new interface, which makes things much harder to backport.

Feel free to ask any questions and I'll do my best to answer below - mindful there are areas I cannot discuss with NDA's in place etc..


Message was edited by: Catmambo

Message was edited by: Catmambo

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Hi, that media player does not support Netflix in the UK i'm afraid. It would work with Netflix if you were in the US and I remember reading somewhere that Amazon appear to have just used the US advert for that media player in the UK (hence the statement and the confusion).

Having owned a Phillips, Toshiba and now a Sony Bravia TV, I can't believe how many people are being so negative about Sony just because you can't get Netflix. It's by far the best TV I've ever owned. I won't buy another brand. Sure, I'm a bit disappointed I can't get Netflix on it, but I can use my PS3 or connect my laptop to the Bravia. No big deal. It's totally not Sony's fault, that's obvious. You would be better off directing your displeasure at NetFlix rather than Sony as clearly they could use a different DRM if they wanted to...

I can't understand why anyone would defend Sony around this issue.

They see smart tv as an upselling opportunity so planned obsolesence is required.

Sorry your 6month old TV "can't" do that new thing, then buy one of our blueray players or perhaps a new tv.

It's not what I expected from Sony but it seems the only explanation over the last few years.

Sony as a media and consumer electronics giant understand the market and standards.

They could have chosen to build smart bravias that could stay current a few years rather than a few months and they chose not to. A defensible choice at the low end due to cost pressure but across the range, it's planned obsolesence. 

Vey dissapointing to use my year old smart tv mostly as a dumb panel.

Not sure its a case of defending Sony, just looking at this objectively. You accept that there will be something better around the corner as soon as you purchase a new product from any manufacturer - ask anyone who buys an Apple product the day before their standard press conference where they announce a new products... Indeed Moore's law is still true after all this time!

Why would any manufacturer build in obsolesence, have you seen the state of the UK economy at the moment, its hard enough to sell anything, let alone then rely on someone to come back to you further down the line and buy a new product.

Netflix is the exception as in fairness to Sony, they have release other applications for devices sold back in March 2010, and assuming Catmambo is correct, they have more on the way too. But I'm not sure if Sony had asked Netflix in 2009 what DRM they would have been using for their (at the time unplanned) UK launch in 2012, so they could have ensured compatibility, there wouldn't have known, and likely Playready didn't even exist in a releasable form back then, so its impossible to futureproof for all these kind of cases I think.

I personally think this is the nature of the beast and I'm sure you could find pages of Samsung, Panasonic and LG owners cursing these brands for not giving them all the applications either - this is in no-way restricted to Sony..

Hi petehenson

I understand were your comming from if this is your tv kdl-32EX403 and you baught it on sale.

But there are people who have spent a load of money on topmoddels from Sony and they should be expecting

a litlle more from Sony.

This is noway netflix problem.. the DRM is running fine on older Samsung, LG and Panasonic models.

And what about HBO.. still Samsung, LG, Panasonic. no Sony.

It is indeed the worst side of planned obsolesence.

- Batfinkk

You can't even compare sony to apple.

if you look at the iphone, the software is still upgraded and you get almost all new function.

exept the hardware better camera a faster processor. The same as Ipad, Macbooks.

People are happily using theire apple products after a year, because apple is not just dropping

there custummer on the floor.

We are not expecting and software upgrade 1080P to 4K on our Sony TV's.

offcourse the hardware is getting better.

They have sold this product as a Smart TV with internet content.

And still the Bravia internet content is sooo lame.

And this is just Sony.. because Samsung, LG are all running netflix on last years models.

Delgado0102 wrote:

Hi petehenson

I understand were your comming from if this is your tv kdl-32EX403 and you baught it on sale.

But there are people who have spent a load of money on topmoddels from Sony and they should be expecting

a litlle more from Sony.

This is noway netflix problem.. the DRM is running fine on older Samsung, LG and Panasonic models.

And what about HBO.. still Samsung, LG, Panasonic. no Sony.

It is indeed the worst side of planned obsolesence.

Can you say which older Samsung etc models Netflix runs on because as far as I am aware, this is not the case..

I have read it on many sites but in danish..

here is a link in english:

Also Samsung have HBO app on theire way...

Netflix is available in many countries and works on many different TVs, including Sony. When they launched in the UK this year, they decided to use a new type of security (DRM) which older tvs could not cope with, not just Sony. So yes, Netflix works on those brand tvs around the world, but not in the UK.

I can see thats a problem, but if this is a general problem i cant see why this should be in Netflix interrest to change that, this is only in favor for the TV manufacturers.

And with Sony, this isnt the only problem.. is it also the same with HBO, Headweb, SF anytime, Viaplay and a bunch more.. Beacause right now theres isnt anyway to rent a movie in my Sony Smart TV in denmark.

I dont know what you have in the UK.