Voice search using Sideview on iOS


Voice search using Sideview on iOS



I have been trying to use voice search with the Sideview app on my iPhone. The TV registers when I press the microphone "button" in the app but doesn't seem to register what I'm saying.


Is this even supported on iOS? I have noticed that the Sideview app haven't requested access to the microphone on my iPhone, so I'm thinking that this feature doesn't work... If not, then it's very misleading that the feature is even in the app...


I did the same. Got this fantastich reply:


Dear Christian,

Thank you for contacting Sony Video and Sound Support.

We hope you are doing well.


We understand that you are not having permission to for microphone in your ios phone.

We suggest you that there is no voice search function  to use with your device for the app.

Please feel free to get back to us for further assistance if you face any difficulty.


Wow! - Just wow!


Fantastic reply... :slight_smile:


They advertise with this feature, the button is in the app, the TV responds when the button is pressed, but no sound is recorded because the app fails to request access to the microphone. It seems like a bug to me...


I wrote him an email back


Hello Harper from Sony Video and Sound Email Response Team


Just to understand this correctly


You have made an app, that works (really good actually) for my TV (Sony 65” Android) which it recognises. In this app you’ve implemented an button to voice control my tv, that you advertise on your knowledgebase which does not work, simply for the reason that your devs forgot to ask for permission to communicate with the microphone, and you are telling me that there is no voice search function?


I seriously hope this was an automated answer made by mistake. I would have expected you to answer back, that you would forward this BUG to the developers in stead, so they could take 10 minutes and implement the feature. I am an iOS developer - let me know if you need help with code. Here’s a hint:


if (session.respondsToSelector("requestRecordPermission:")) {

    AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().requestRecordPermission({(granted: Bool)-> Void in

        if granted {

            session.setCategory(AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord, error: nil)

            session.setActive(true, error: nil)

            self.recorder ()

        } else{

            println("not granted")






Nice reply :laughing:


Let's hope that it's just a blunder and that the app will get the functionality soon.


@refrejn wrote:

Nice reply :laughing:


Let's hope that it's just a blunder and that the app will get the functionality soon.

Just wondering if anyone knows if this's issue ever got sorted or not?

Not applicable

Hi All


I have received a response back from Sony confirming that it actually does work.  Apparentley there was an iOS update a week or so ago - which Sony tested this on.  Could be a coincidence.


Anyway, when ticking the mic button on the remote app, it pops up the keyboard. You then actually need to press the mic again before speaking.












I would say that this is a workaround and not a solution. This isn't Google Voice Search but simply using Siri to transcribe what you're saying. The app is still not using the microphone to send the request to the TV.


I can't get it to work on the home page, but it seems to work fx. in the Youtube app.


@refrejn wrote:

I would say that this is a workaround and not a solution. This isn't Google Voice Search but simply using Siri to transcribe what you're saying. The app is still not using the microphone to send the request to the TV.


I can't get it to work on the home page, but it seems to work fx. in the Youtube app.

Well it definitely doesnt work for me still. Its such a shame becuase it would be such an awesome app if it worked properly. 



It doesn't work for me either, it does NOT pop up the devices keyboard, all it does is pop up a search screen on the TV that says listening, but does not accept voice commands, as it obviously has no i/p from the iphones mic. I am using the very latest IOS 9.3.1. There are other issues with the app and Android 2015 TVs. https://community.sony.co.uk/t5/televisions/timer-record-via-sideview-app-for-ios/td-p/2157612

Product is is Sony 2015 KDL 43W805C Android TV, UK Model with YouView, purchased Sept 2015.
Not applicable

Thanks for the feedback.  Will pass back to Sony.