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internet verbindung

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internet verbindung


ich muss leider auf englische schreiben, mein deutsch ist nicht ganz gut.


i have sony tv Model KD-55X8505C and i cant connect it anymore to internet. my internet provider is UPC-Cablecom. i had before Ubee router (not wlan) and i had my own netgear wlan installed. i was able to connect my tv to netgear through wlan and it was good. since 2 days i got a wlan router from UPC and it is called connect box. so i am trying to connet my tv wirelessly but it is not working. it says connected but not internet access. so i decided to connect it wirely. so i press Home button, settings,  network, network setup, easy, and then wired lan. i go through the instructions on screen:

are you using a modem? yes

does your modem have router functionality ? yes

then, could not connect to internet, and there is the option ASSIGN A STATIC IP ADDRESS

and i have 3 laptops, 2 cellphones and ps4 connected through wlan to Connect Box normally.


so the question is, what should i do to get internet access again??



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ich denke deine Box läuft mit 5Ghz und der TV leider nur mit 3,....