getting fed up with having to 'reboot' tv

getting fed up with having to 'reboot' tv

I have the new 4K 49" and every few days I have to 'reboot' it. There is no sound whatsoever and the remote doesn't work until I turn the whole unit off and then hope that when I turn it back on  the volume and the remote works- up till now that has happened but why in 2016, does a brand new Tv need to go through this nonsense. I bought this tv on the back of several other Sonys i own and yet they don't need anything else than  power and I can sit back and watch them. Whats going on Sony? have you lost your way and gone back to the seventies (in actual fact even those TVs didn't need to be 'rebooted')

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Hi there


A new firmware update has been released by Sony today.  Once you install it, I would suggest a factory reset of the TV - this can fix many issues and clears 'gremlins' as I call them.



I'll try this cheers.
Not applicable

Cool - let me know how you get on, as im finding the new firmware better.

It's either Android or the TV's processor (dual or quad core) is overheating.

Try the factory reset after the latest update and allow it better air flow around the unit