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Problem burning a video to DVD, shot with a Sony alpha 6000 camera, using Play Memories

Problem burning a video to DVD, shot with a Sony alpha 6000 camera, using Play Memories

Hopefully someone will be able to help - thank you in advance.


Background info:


I have brand new Sony alpha 6000 camera.

I have imported a video from the camera onto Play Memories (PM).

I have spent a lot of time editing my video adding subtitles to my video in PM.

PM has created and saved a .mcpj file on my hard drive which I can see on my laptop using file manager.

The video plays faultlessly within PM.

My laptop (running windows 10) is new and has an operational disc drive that I know burns DVDs.

To rule out a PM software fault I have reinstalled the PM software several times.


My problem:


The .mcpj file produced by the PM video editor is not shown as a useable file within PM - I had expected to be able to see the edited file in the list of available files within PM (i.e. along with photographs and the original unedited video which I can see) drag and drop it within PM to burn it to DVD.


PM does know that the file exists because I can open the edited file within the Tools section of PM using the 'open' file option. Once opened it loads into the video editior with no problems.


From within the PM video editor I can select the options to convert and burn the .mcpj file to DVD BUT despite screen messages saying it is being converted to MP4, and the disc whirring nothing is written to the DVD! 


Any advice would be greatly appreciated - thank you.