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Hiding Carrier Name

Hiding Carrier Name

Hi all,


This thing has been bothering me since getting my new 5ii, and it's baffling why there isn't an option for this.


Is there a way to hide the carrier name in the Notification bar at the top of the screen?

By this I mean the below, the "O2-UK" next to the clock up top:



Note, I do not mean when you drag down/open the Notification menu, this one here I don't mind.

I mean when it is at the top of the screen there (and also on the Lockscreen)


I believe it's a big design flaw and massive oversight from Sony to not have a simple route to hide it, and to have something so unnecessarily visible cluttering the bar on an otherwise beautiful phone. UI tweakers and the like have been unhelpful too sadly.


Tips and pointers welcome.


Not applicable

Don't think that the carrier name is removable though, I've tried to look for an option to remove it in settings and online but no luck. I think it's something preinstalled on the device and within specs that's why we can't remove it.

That's really bad IMO. Like, I know what network I'm on: it literally screams at you on the lockscreen and again when you pull the notification bar, but must it constantly be in my face on the main screen where real estate is at a premium?


Was this ever an option in previous Xperia models?


And if this can't be removed, why?!

It's marketing, self promoting by operators or whichever other corporate, we can't ever stop that.

Sigh. Shameless over self promotion, I'll hold off from going into a rant here lol. Ah well.


Well, it seems we have the gods of Android apps to thank, as I've just discovered an app that at least gives some kind of customisation for the bar.

Just for the benefit of others that may be curious it's called Super Status Bar. Not a permanent fix but certainly a very effective one.


So I guess consider this issue somewhat solved 🙂

Yeah that's what's cool about Play Store services, any good app idea, you can bet to find it there, and there's always a direct contact detail for the app developers.