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Xperia 1 - Home screen shortcuts keep Disappearing

Xperia 1 - Home screen shortcuts keep Disappearing

Ever since the Android 11 update on my Xperia 1 (J8110) any home screen shortcuts seems to disappear after a few days, usually going after a restart.

ie. If I'm using Chrome find a website that you want quick access to, use the option to "Add to home screen" it'll create a short cut on your home screen that takes you to that particular website.

Now I can use this shortcut to quickly access that website. But..... This shortcut only seems to stay on the home screen for a short amount of time. At a guess it'll disappear after about a week to 10 days and usually after a restart.


It's not just chrome shortcuts either, my satnav has this option to create shortcuts too and they also disappear in the same manner.

Chrome, edge, Firefox, maps, satnav etc etc.


It's like Android 11 has been doing some kind of clean up on a restart.


How can I stop this, it's really annoying.



Community Team

Hi M1ck-65,


It sounds like a software glitch, try to enable the safe mode and test again just to confirm if this is an app issue or not.

Hope it helps!

Thanks for the reply,

I'm guessing that you are referring to a rogue app that's causing this, rather than the apps whose shortcuts are disappearing.

But running in safe mode for a week or two is going to be difficult. I'd have almost zero functionality with my device.




Not applicable

Try the steps here , they could solve the issue if it happen after the android update.